Around Here Week 45: 11/01-07

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

 A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this moment. 

Intentional Outdoor Hours:  524+ hours (of 1000)
I got next to nothing this week. Too cold, too tired, too big of a wimp. 

Reading (still!) Outlander by Diana Galbaldon. I only read it at night and I have been so exhausted that I literally get through about 2 pages before I fall asleep. I am determined to finish this thing! 

Comforting Red as he works on getting his first tooth through the gums. Poor little bubba is so miserable. A lot of snuggles and a freeze pop a day seems to make him feel a little better. He turned 7 months on the first and he is just growing right along, gosh he is so very loved and spoiled in this family! 

Closing out fall sports with the end of season tailgate party for football and cheerleading. Brandon took Grey and Gemma while I stayed home with the three snot nosed little ones (and my own snot nosed self). We made it through the whole fall sport season and for that we are grateful that we got a full season in for the 2020-21 school year. Who knows what the rest of the year will bring, but we got one in! 

Voting on Tuesday morning. I left early to get to the polls before work (I wanted to wear my sticker in front of the students all day to be a good role model of civic duty) and I got there at 7:03a (they opened at 7a) and I waited in line for almost 20 minutes, which was a first ever to have to wait in line. It was great to see so many people out making their voice heard. B ran during his lunch hour and didn't have a line then. 

Holding our breath while the election continues on and on and on for forever. Grey has been super into keeping track of the colors on his electoral college map while B and I refresh the screens on our phones incessantly. We had a good long talk with Grey about how the numbers work on the map (why some states had a bigger number) and the only thing that held us together was the election memes - hah! some people are so funny! Our current favorite song playing on Alexa on repeat is You Can Have Whatever You Like by T.I.

Enjoying our last week of Miss Hannah at our house to tutor Gemma for the semester. Gemma has benefitted so much from extra studying and practice with Miss Hannah 2-3 times a week this nine weeks - we are so grateful that it worked out. Miss Hannah met her elementary school college requirements while Gemma got the help she needs to succeed. (We love you Miss Hannah!)

Swiping all the things out of Red's mouth because this baby is on the move and the big kids do not know how to keep stuff off the floor. Red can move all over the house and at the least the big kids realized that we need to keep the door at the top of the steps closed when Red is moving and grooving upstairs. So far I have found hair ties, pieces of paper, and a baby barbie doll in that little chipmunk's cheeks! 

Cheering for Grey as he got his first buck ever! He got to have a 'mental health' day on Friday (we give our kids 3 a year and Grey uses all of his for fishing and hunting, hah). He snagged a nice 8 point with the crossbow while he was hunting with Brandon and his godfather, Jon. Who was more excited about the deer - one will never know because those three were the giddiest bunch of nerds I ever did hear on the phone when they called after they tracked the deer. Grey was over the moon and Brandon said that Grey was shaking and leaned down over the deer and kept saying, "thank you. thank you for dying for me today." So we will have a freezer full of deer meat after High Ridge butchers his deer and he is even getting a shoulder mount done! (hooray for more dead animals on my living room wall...HAH, just kidding). 

Smiling as Rust got camo'ed and face painted up to go spend an evening with Brandon in the blind behind our house. Now that Grey got a deer, it's Rusty's turn to spend some time with Daddy like a big boy hunter!

Winter sporting with basketball practice for Gemma and then her first real game on Saturday. They didn't win the game, but Gemma still had a great time playing and we can see how she is getting a smidge better each time as she learns the game a little more (basketball has so many rules!) They had a basketball team party afterwards (for her teammates birthday) and she was thrilled to spend most of the day with her teammates. 

Teaching pre-reading activities in Spanish 1 to prepare for our first novel, El Capibara con Botas. They learned about Ecuador and got vocabulary words. Spanish 2 finished their novel, El Silbon de Venezuela, and Spanish 3 started La Llorona de Mazatlan completing chapters 1 and 2. Spanish 4 started Somos 2 Unit 10 digging into imperfect tense ER/IR verbs. I also gave out Leave Me Alone passes this week which is always a big deal. We only had four days this week and an Act 80 day on Friday which was amazing to get some grading done and do a little Schoology professional development. 

Making chicken alfredo in the instant, hamburgers and shrimp on the grill, pizza grilled cheese snackers, and broccoli & cheese soup with homemade bread. I also whipped up a batch of snickerdoodles with the Meatballs (Violet & Rusty) because I have been so hungry for them recently (#thanksbabybump) 

1 comment:

  1. I was so happy for Grey about his deer!!! What a big day for him!
    That picture of Red crawling is TOO cute!!
