A glimpse into what it is like to be in our family just this moment.
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selfie cred: Miss Emma |
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photo cred: Aunt Uch |
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photo cred: Aunt Uch |
Intentional Outdoor Hours: 3+ hours (of 1000)
A lot of snow! The kids were overjoyed to get all this snow and are having a blast sled riding, tackling, and attempting an igloo build outside. It has been an even bigger farm chore to get fresh water and food to the animals while we trudge through the knee high snow. I shoveled a path for the chickens and even pushed the shovel the whole way down to make a semi-clear path to the pasture from the house. Osa is loving the snow though and bounds through it and then joyfully lays down chews on her bone while watching over the goaties.
Reading The Martian by Andy Weir which is a borrow from the kids' math teacher Mr. Kramer (thank you!) After reading Project Hail Mary this summer, I am excited to read another Weir book that makes me excited about math and science!
Listening to The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey
Visit with the Vorndran family who joined us at Rusty's swim meet to watch and cheer him on. After the meet, we all went out to brunch together at a local bistro. The kids had their own giant table and the adults got to sit and chat with only occasional interruptions from kids wandering over to ask random questions (hah). Tare and I got to laugh about all the Fourth Wing memes right now with Onyx Storm's release date nearby. She and I are book nerds, so we can go on and on about books while B and Dobber just shake their heads at us. It is always so good to see dear friends, so grateful they made the trip (thank you and love you guys!)
Stuck, stuck, stuck in the Honda Pilot in our driveway. Jillian the Pilot doesn't have winter tires and it was very apparent when I left to take the kids to school on Tuesday morning (I had a virtual day, but they had school). The car so easily slipped off the driveway and we slid out into the yard but I was able to maneuver back onto the driveway and get them to school. I was a little shaken up about it but figured maybe it was because this is our first year with millings on the driveway (?) Then later in the afternoon when I went to go pick up Grey from basketball practice, Jillian again slid off the driveway when it caught the edge of the ditch and just kept sliding. I tried and tried to get back up, but every time I tried I made it worse. I texted Grey and he got a ride home and walked up the driveway in the snow (thank you Carson for the ride!) and then B came home and tried to pull Jillian out with the truck...no luck. Then he had to go buy a come-along and he and Pappy stayed out in the driveway until 11pm until they finally unstuck Jillian! It was a disaster and I felt so bad about it, but winter tire appointment scheduled (there goes all the money we planned to save during No Buy January!!?!?!) Ugh, adulting.
Trying to readjust to non-holiday schedules, especially with the snowy back to school weather. I don't know if maybe I might have actually preferred a toss right back into the schedule over this wishy washy restart of cancellations and half starts. I am a planner deep in my bones, so having to look at my schedule this week and multiple times have to re-do the logistics and plans was a little disorientating since I tried so hard to make sure we were ready (LOL, life in a nutshell).
Sending Gem to help babysit the nephews. She spent the day at Aunt Uch's house hanging out with the boys and watching Wicked with Uchie (aka best day ever). Then the Moores brought her home and stayed to hang out and play at our house for the evening which made it the best night ever. Wins all around when cousins and sisters are involved!
Kitchen / Shower leak fixing attempt with B, Pappy, and Mr. Darren. They made the hole in the kitchen ceiling a little bigger to try to fix the pipe and spent most of the afternoon in there tinkering about to try to get it fixed. It seems like it's holding up (fingers crossed). We still need to fix the ceiling
Teaching a strange back to school week because the snow would just not let up. We had a Flexible Instruction Day on Monday then another one on Tuesday - so I still hadn't seen my students in person since December 20! Finally on Wednesday we had a 2hr delay which meant I didn't have elementary school classes (!) but I did get my high school classes in that day. Then we finished up the rest of the week with two full days of school (LOL). My elementary students reviewed the verb Hay and did a 'write the classroom' for winter vocab words. Spanish Expo started their geography week. Spanish 1 got new vocab words (clothing!) and did some writing activities; making sure to check their adjective - noun agreement. Spanish 2 worked on Somos Unit 13 which includes the Selena song El Chico del apartamento 512.
Sporting with a swim meet in Kittanning for Rusty (he swam in the relay, 25 yard Freestyle, 25 yard Butterfly, and the 50 yard Freestyle with all new PRs!). Rusty also had two swim practices too. Violet had her Sparks soccer tryout practice. Gemma had two basketball games and three basketball practices. Grey had a baseball pitching practice, three basketball practices, and two basketball games. We reserved and paid a high school student to work our concession stand duty for Grey's game (thank you Ellie!). Thankful for the option so we were able to watch Grey play in the JV and Varsity games that night.
Making frozen pizzas, pirozhki (beef hand pies) with buttered noodles, peas, and parmesan cheese, sheet pan chicken fajitas, chicken / veggie / biscuit casserole (I had to make cream of chicken soup from scratch because we didn't have any...actually not too much of a pain, but still), spaghetti, homemade stromboli, and chicken / bacon / ranch roasted potatoes with shells and cheese and candied kielbasa. For breakfast on the snow day I made egg sausage casserole. For an I'm-sorry-I-can't-drive-in-the-snow-down-our-driveway-without-sliding-into-our-ditch surprise apology dessert, I made cake batter chocolate chip cookies for B while he in a serendipitous surprise showed up with stop-worrying-about-the-ditch-incident-it-could've-happened-to-anyone take out sushi for me the very same night (!)
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