Around Here: Week 36: 09/01-07

Monday, September 30, 2024

 A glimpse into what it is like to live in our family just this moment. 

cousin campout

photo cred: B

photo cred: Colbie H

selfie cred: Kitty - she's literally in the clouds!

photo cred: Stacy B

photo cred: Stacy B

photo cred: Stacy B

always grateful for our center Gabey. He's been Grey's center since first grade!

Intentional Outdoor Hours: 512+ hours (of 1000) 
Another beautiful early fall week! We filled up the storage unit with hay, enjoyed plenty of hours at the fall sports fields, and even snuck in an afternoon hike with the kids and Violet's friend Giada who was over for a playday. We spied plenty of acorns on our walk, tis the season! 

Reading Parable of the Sower by Octavia E Butler, still a little slow reading - but loving the story in the small chunks that I'm getting this week.

Listening on my commute to The Reformatory: A Novel by Tananarive Due. It was a suggestion from an instagram account that I follow and wow. incredible story and the narrator is spectacular. 

Last swim of the summer at Pappy's pool. We spent the afternoon swimming and enjoying wings at Pap's house and it was the perfect close out of the season. The water was perfect and we all got in to take one last dip! 

Cousin sleepover with our nephews. Wells and Heath had a sleepover on Sunday night and the kids had a giant 'campout' in the living room. I loved coming downstairs on Monday morning to see their little resting bodies all over the room. Red and Olive were thrilled to have them and they played outside all day Monday and even helped with farm chores. 

Making it to Labor Day which is my goal at the start of the school year - just get through the two weeks until Labor Day for a little breather. It was so nice to have off on Monday (thank you Labor Unions of the past!) to get chores done and catch our breath after a very busy few weeks of sports and starting school. I got totally caught up on laundry on Sunday and Monday! 

Bummed to miss our annual county fair visit this year - but there was just no way with the busy week in sports and school.

Attending the high school open house and visiting with Grey's and Gem's teachers. I love how our school does open house; you follow the schedule that your kids' do each day and it is such a nice glimpse into their travels through the building each day. Gem's ELA teacher had their Who I am poems displayed (so sweet!) and I got to chat with some of my fav teachers and fellow parents as we roamed the halls together. Bless those educators! Thanks for loving and encouraging all our kids each day!  

Smiling at the photos from my mom for the Goodies with Grandparents event at the babies' preschool. What a blessing for Reddy and Livy to have four grandparents to have cookies and juice with (Abba, Chum, Pappy, and Mimi!) 

Finding a groove with the afterschool backpack clean out, homework around dinner, figuring out how to wash enough laundry during the week so jerseys are clean, but also not too much that close sit in wrinkled hampers when we can't get to them fast enough. Prepping the night before to make mornings easier and keeping a notebook with required chores or events each morning so that everyone is on the same page and we can all work together. It's a process, but it feels like we are getting to the point where things feel like their moving in a predictable pattern and that feels good. 

Kitty & Bryan PCT Update: in the final stretch of a state now - They hiked through Whites Pass/Packwood and made it to Snoqualomie. It is starting to get cold and wet now, so Kitty is hoping to resupply with some more layers during a rest day this week. She said Oregon was so beautiful, but somehow Washington state is even more beautiful?! Hah! 

Teaching only 4 days again this week thanks to Labor day. The elementary school learned new words (camina, ve, pez, and gato) and watched a video they all loved that encouraged learning a new language. 8th grade Expo worked through week 2 lessons (camina, corre, El encierro de San Fermin). Spanish 1 got their colors and calendar vocab, practiced numbers, and learned Los Pollitos Dicen song (a fan favorite!). Spanish 2 got their food vocab list and started Somos 8 which included learning Cielito Lindo and watching Doña Angela on Youtube. 

Sporting with another week full of fall sports again. Rusty had 2 flag practices and Violet had 2 cheer practices and 3 football practices. Rust and Vi played at home vs. Meyersdale on Saturday. Gemma had 3 soccer practices and 3 soccer games this week! She got selected for one of the game captains this week too. Grey and B had 3 football practices and an away game at Blacklick vs. United Valley on Friday night. I gave Team dinner this week and we had breakfast for dinner: French toast, ham, sausage, 2 kinds of muffins (fruity pebbles and double chocolate), fruit, and orange juice or milk. It was hit and all the players were gracious and hungry! (I made giant batches of French toast on the blackstone and then just kept it warm in the roaster). 

Making a butt-ton of french toast (LOL) for team dinner. For our dinners this week, we had chicken queso flautas, pierogies & kielbasa, Pioneer Woman skillet lasagna, burgers wrapped in aluminum foil for the ride out to the football game on Saturday night and chili over mac&cheese for Saturday because it felt like true fall outside! I made banana bread with some very old bananas on Saturday morning.

1 comment:

  1. Gemma's poem had me tearing up! It was such a beautiful glimpse into life in your house! I loved it!
    I identify so much with trying to get into a groove with chores and getting everyone out the door and balancing laundry. It's a science, I tell you!
    Lastly, I am obviously partial... but your sister is right. Washington is pure *magic*!!!
