Around Here Week 31: 08/01-03

Monday, August 19, 2024

 A glimpse into what it is like to be in our family just this moment. 

Intentional Outdoor Hours: 407+ hours (of 1000)
Oh, praise! Some rain!! Finally!! I even chopped the tops of the grass where it was sporadically growing taller in preparation for the rain. First time I mowed in weeks!?

Reading The Parable of the Sower by Octavia E Butler and loving it. 

Garage to Den project - B, Grey, and Pappy added the flashing to the ceiling and then got half of it painted black (we used Sherwin Williams Tricorn Black). 

Scheduling and trying to get ducks in a row because...AUGUST! It's go time baby - as a teacher and a mom of 6 (4 in school and 2 in preschool this year!) and the wife of the Varsity football coach - it is time to lock in folks. I actually love it and where others might be overwhelmed and want to puke (don't get me wrong, I am both of those things too), I kind of love being in that suspended state of plan, schedule, and accomplish all the things. So it's that time of year to pull out my planner, make list after list, cross reference practice and game schedules to meal plans! Let's gooooooooo. 

Getting tiny little flashes of serotonin when I think of autumn on it's way to me. Take me as I am because it's just the way it is - fall brings me JOY to the max. The breeze, the coziness of sweatshirts, the crunch of leaves, the warm drinks, the flavors, the COLORS everywhere, the back to school routine, the holidays, eeeeeeeeeee. I honestly can't think of it too much because I go full on geek mode of happiness and wishing time away.  I can wait patiently Summer - do your thing, girl. (But FALL - I SEE YOU on deck!) 

Seeing LEGOS! The Meatballs (Rusty & Violet) are on a lego kick right now and they moved all the legos to the attic to try to keep Liv and Red out of them (yeah right, it didn't work but valiant effort). Rust & Vi go up there for half hours at a time building to their little hearts content and then come down sweaty (no ventilation in the attic - hah!) but excited to show us their creations. 

Nephew time! The Moore boys had a playday at our house on Friday and everyone was deliriously happy to be covered in huggas and giggles from our favorite boys. Gemma was desperate for some baby snuggles even while we were on vacation (she kept saying she missed them so much) so she was thrilled! 

Date night with B. Grey and his friend Gabe needed a ride to the AAABA baseball game, so we both drove them down and had a quiet-we-didn't-make-the-delicious-food-or-have-to-clean-up meal at Asiago's. It was indulgent in all the ways (food, time, and money) especially after just coming back from vacation, but we didn't get one on vacation so we rationalized our little hearts away. 

Getting some work done at the farm before we run out of time with Dad. Football season makes for very little time to do bigger chores, like fixing the roof of two of the goat sheds, patching up electric fence, and mixing up big batches of goat feed. Every family member got to help a little and it made light work. I was delighted to see that we have a mini pumpkin patch growing in the goat pasture from last Halloween's leftover pumpkin feedings to the goats. We have two actual pumpkins growing already and a few more blooms looking like they are going to be successful! (Studerbabies farm plug: if you have carved or uncarved pumpkins at the end of the spooky season that you're looking to get rid of, our goats would love to eat 'em! Just no painted pumpkins please!)

Kitty & Bryan PCT Update: Oregon! They had to hitch north to bypass some fire areas, so they walked south this week to make up the miles they missed (aka "Sobo" southbound instead of "Nobo" northbound...I love learning the PCT cool kid lingo!)

Sporting with youth football and cheer for Violet and Rusty. They each had practice on Thursday night. B and some seniors spent Friday afternoon at a local high school for the county media day with newspapers and radio stations (he did this interview). He also had a meeting with the coaches on Saturday night at Tollgate to do a last check in before Heat Acclimation practices begin next week. I met with our Red&White Tailgate committee on Saturday morning at Thomahawk to get our event planned for the football camp inter-squad scrimmage night. It is going to be great - I'm so excited and happy to work with those football moms on planning! (Hi Stacy! Hi Missy!)

Making chicken flautas, homemade pizza, ground turkey &broccoli pasta (super easy but everyone loved it!)

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