photos taken: 49
Thursday morning was a bit of a blur, but thankfully Brandon had timed his departure to work with Greyson's school bus, and so I packed up my two boys and kissed them both on the way out the door before beginning our morning with breakfasts and lists (grocery and library book). Violet slept a little later than usual because of our late birthday dinner the night before, so Gem and I had some time to do a little spooky spider craft to add to our Halloween door collection.
I am not great at decorating, so it is the kids' projects that act as the piece de resistance for the duration of the holiday. I'll save a few of the really great ones for next year (Gem's spider might get saved, she named her Layla and she's poisonous, but only to monsters and not people), but most will get trashed and we'll make new ones next year.
The girls and made a mad scramble to get everything packed up and all of us dressed and ready to make it out the door in time to get to Library preschool storytime by 10am.
We returned our library books and then booked it upstairs to get to storytime just in time for Gemma's favorite "Hello" song. The girls loved bubble time (per usual), we listened to a funny book about birds, hugged the bear puppet, and Gem made a crow craft. The girls spent a little time in the playroom (making me 'lunch and coffee' with the play food) and then I searched the aisles for books from my book list. I struck out 9 times out of 11! But I still managed to get a good mix of books.
By the time we made it home, the girls were both snoozing in the back. Violet went peacefully into her crib and Gem (thankfully) continued to nap after I transferred her to the couch. I got time to blog, and do some chores like watering my poor thirsty Mums on the front porch (sorry babies).
The girls woke up and I tried to do some quick calculations about time. I figured I could get the kids clothes folded and the truck packed for an evening at my parents' house before we had to pick up Grey, right? right?!
turns out, not right. Got the kids' clothes folded and checked the clock to see it was time to pick up Grey, um right.this.second. So, we hopped in the truck, dogs barking and biting at the wheels in their herding attempts to pick up the boy.
So it was a few last minute things to finish and pack up at home before we got back in the truck and headed to my parents' house for dinner and playing!
Abba and Chum's house is always an adventure! We had dinner and then my Dad took the kids in the basement to do pumpkin carving with them (one of my least favorite halloween events, so thank you Dad!!!) Chum called my mom and I downstairs to see how the kids first drew a practice face on a paper and then how that translated to their drawing on the pumpkin = tiny little faces drawn. It was the cutest and we were all smiling and laughing.
Grey had homework to finish and guided reading to practice, and Violet took a few steps to Abba (!!), We also got a very sad call from my sister Kayla about one of her dear friends who is not doing well in the ICU (send you good thoughts and prayers if you have extra please).
The pumpkins turned out awesome and then the big kids went on a spooky nighttime walk with Chum down the street. Grey found a random onion on the walk (no clue, that kid finds the oddest things) and then Abba facilitated a much needed bath time for the Gremlins.
Violet was up to her normal no good with holding her breath while crying (! only one of our babies who has been a breath-holder) and held it for the longest ever on record in her little life. I was actually praying, "just pass out! pass out and you'll breath again" She didn't pass out, or maybe she half-did because when I went to lift her, her neck was sort of limp (SCARIEST ever.). Mum and I were both rattled, a few minutes of fussing and Violet was perfectly fine like there was no problem to begin with. (help me, Lord Jesus)
Grey ended the evening by chasing each other in a circle basically worshiping the onion singing, "We have a duty" over and over. It was one of those things that if you had to ask what it all meant, you'd never understand anyway, so Mum, Dad, and I just stood there laughing at the strangeness of it all.
I was hopeful that the kids would be asleep by the time we got home (about 35 minute drive home), and they all were, until it was time to transport them all to the house...of course. All three woke up but were happy to get some hugs and kisses from Daddy who had only arrived home a few minutes earlier from work.
The kids went down fairly easily after three books - two of which were two of our new library rentals, and a little reading aloud from my book. I had the diaper bag to empty and dishes to put away and all that nighttime cleaning and Brandon and I caught a few minutes of Impractical Jokers (so hilarious) before we both fell asleep on the couch with all the lights and the tv still on until after 1am. classic.
If I'm being honest, I'm looking forward to this week in the life being over! Such great photos of our everyday life that have been captured, but it's pretty heavy on the intensity. I'm looking forward to being done in only two more days! Hooray!
I can only imagine the amount of work. But oh-so-fun to glimpse your days!!!