a letter to the future

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dear 17year old Greyson,
This letter is coming to you from 2011, when you are only 1 year and 8 days old.  You've probably been going fishing with your dad on the first day of trout as far back as you can remember, but I'm writing this to let you know that you did not go today.  You stayed home with me and we had a mummie&greyson adventure day.  We went shopping in the rain&wind and you thought it was so funny to get rain on your face.  And we ate oreos&milk - your first time and you loved them and had cookie stained on your face all afternoon.  And I tried to get you to just cuddle and watch Finding Nemo, but you were a lot more interested in playing with your basketball and chasing the cats.  We danced to music and played with your birthday balloons and read The Foot Book and Ball and Bear.  And when it was time for bed, I held your entire little body in my arms on the rocking chair and you played with my fingers while I gave you your bottle.  And then I picked you up and you laid your head on my shoulder and I rocked you back and forth to a little lullaby from your stuffed animal.  And you are so sweet and you smell so good, and I love you so much.

I'm sure you are still so sweet (sometimes) and I can probably guess that you don't smell so good after a long day of fishing, but I know I still love you so much (I always will). I just wanted to tell you now, when you're maybe too cool for your mumma...that once upon a time I could hold all of you in just my two arms and that we had a great day together on the first day of trout.

I'll love you no matter how big you get,
your mumma.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for making me cry my eyes out. this is so beautiful and awesome. one of your coolest posts award. <3 love you!
