Between Fall Festivus and Taryn's bridal shower, we had a full week and the prospect of driving to Johnstown from ERie two weekends in a row was Grey and I decided to shack up with our families in Jtown for the whole week. Boy, were the families happy about it! We stayed for half a week with Abba, Poppa, & Aunt Kitty.
Photo-shoot with his aunts before Aunt Uch went back to Lock Haven |
And even got to visit with Greyson's great grandpap Mesaros & great uncles.
Then we spent the other half of the week with Gma, Pappy Butch, Sydney, and Rosie.
Aunt Pam, Morgan, and Meemee even stopped down for a visit with Grey!
Greyson even got to visit his grandmas at work so that
they could show him off all their co-workers could meet him.
Two days in a row Grey got to go to lunch downtown and was "naughty" both time. He spilled an entire glass of water onto himself and Abba's lap!
And then got so messy eating with Gma that we had to strip him down to his white onesie while still at the restaurant.
Of course, neither Grandma was embarassed or upset. Rewind 25 years and that was me/brandon and it would've been a different story...but their grandson- no problems!
We missed Daddy and Bullet though. So by Saturday evening, we were happy to be back in ERie. Thank you for letting us stay and making us feel so at home for the week. We'll have to make it a seasonal tradition to spend a week in Johnstown. Greyson really loved spending so much time with his grandparents. And mummie really loved having so many extra pair of hands:)