Homeschool Pre-K Week 8

Thursday, October 21, 2021

I have an unhealthy addiction to purchasing children's books (while B just rolls his eyes) because they are wonderful and beautiful and helpful and educational and help to open up conversations - I just really believe in them (hah). To this day, if I sit on the couch and start reading a children's book within moments I have all six kids gathered around me to hear the story. It's magical. 

Anyway, sometimes I don't have a copy of a book I want- which was the case for this week. How do we not have any Halloween books about skeletons I really don't know - but we don't. Luckily for us (all parents) we have access to thousands of Read Alouds on Youtube! With a quick search of the book title and the phrase "read aloud" after it, I was able to find the books we needed this week for our lessons! And although nothing can replace a parents' lap and a picture book in hand - youtube read alouds are a great alternative in a pinch! 

It was a super relaxed homeschool pre-k week around here. The weather was autumn-cozy and the three little kids all had runny noses and slight fevers.  So we snuggled and enjoyed the autumn beauty, and honestly, some weeks be like that...and thank goodness for the freedom of homeschool to be able to do that. 

Unit: Spooky
Lesson: Skeletons

Books we read:
Skeleton for Dinner by Margery Cuyler
Funny Bones by Allan Ahlberg

Memory Verse:
(finger puppets)
white skeleton, white skeleton where are you?
here I am, here I am, how do you do?
black skeleton...
golden skeleton....
gray skeleton...
blue skeleton....
happy family, skeleton family where are you?
here we are, here we are
Coming for you! 

Listened & Danced to on replay:
Spooky Scary Skeletons Remix
(you can also watch the original video here - actually kind of creepy)

Language Arts:
Write the room: Halloween themed

Math puzzles 1-10 with numerals, bone tally marks, and ten frames

Sidewalk chalk body outline and fill with stick 'bones'
Make a skeleton activity

Physical Play:
Just Dance: The Skeleton Dance
Go Noodle: Bones! Bones! Bones! 
Skeleton yoga flashcards

Bake skeleton cookies (Aldi special buy!)

Field Trip!
Fishing with Pappy at Wilmore Dam

1 comment:

  1. Jackie Papuga-KrawczykOctober 21, 2021 at 9:40 AM

    I have a bunch of books that my boys aren't interested in anymore that I was going to put in to the Treasured Once Again sale. If you'd be interested in looking through them, let me know and you can take whatever you want for free.
