Reddy Adams 18 months old

Thursday, October 28, 2021

My sun/son up to sun/son down little boy; pedal to the metal, curiosity through destruction, sticky handed, just dumped out all the things, tiny, boss baby. When I wrote 25 Rules for Moms with Sons it was because of sons like you - who break all the things during the day, including your momma's heart, spirit, and sanity (hah) and then mend them right back up with a snuggle at bedtime. 

It's funny how a mother's mind plays tricks on her. I've been through this toddler stage four times before and somehow when I turned around from emptying the dishwasher and saw that you had transferred all the dry dog food to the water dishes and mixed it with potting soil and a sneaker - I was surprised. Why would I be surprised? I have experience in this stage - the turn your back for a moment and three new messes have been created by the toddler stage...and yet. You are not one to back down from a challenge, so it seems you're going for most destructive toddler of all our kids (it's that Aries sign - just ask your biggest bro Booboo). So Dad and I are hanging on for dear life and taking lots of deep breaths and reminding ourselves over and over, "This is just a stage of growing up." 

You've been walking since 10 months and then running shortly after that. You can also climb to the top bunks, jump, walk backwards, hang from the chin up bars, and open dresser drawers to empty all the clothes. You understand everything we say and can follow directions like "get your shoes," and "go pick a book to read." 

You like to play outside best of all - catching chickens, jumping on the trampoline, or going for walks in the woods. You are most happy with some kind of ball or stick in your hand. You love playing catch with a football, kicking a soccer ball, or dribbling and shooting basketballs on the mini hoop in the kitchen. You also love to play fight with your brothers - wrestling and playing with pretend swords and guns. You and Rusty fight invisible monsters all day to keep me and baby Olive safe. You want to do whatever Rusty is doing and follow him around copying his every move and sound effect. 

You communicate through sign language, pointing, and grabbing our hand and showing us. Your vocabulary is extremely limited in terms of what is distinguishable (yes, no, hi, bye, dad, mum, 'wow', and 'boom boom' when shooting a pretend gun). But you do try to talk and you make so many language-type sounds - we call it your alien dialect because it does really sound like it's a real language, we just aren't fluent in it. You sure get your point across though and the pediatrician says not to be worried as you're the fifth baby and demonstrate no other red flags. I can't wait to understand all you want to say (you speak in alien all day - you have plenty to say!) and I know you'll get there, so I'm trying to remember to appreciate all your babble just as it is right now because I know that some day eleventeen is gone and I miss her

You love sweets, especially chocolate - but will eat almost anything. You are our 'seagull' and you gravitate toward anyone with food; mouth open waiting for them to share. You love salad with dressing, dipping sauces (ketchup, bbq sauce, etc), and all kinds of 'grown up' food that our other kids scrunch their noses up at. You take one nap (most days) and you sleep in our bed at night, usually horizontally; kicking Dad and I in the neck. We are experienced in parenting though so we know this is a phase, but dude - I would be lying if I didn't say that I could use a good night's sleep. Dad set up a toddler bed in our room and laid with you in it the other night. He actually fell asleep (#parenting) and instead of doing the same- didn't you just crawl over the top of him and climb up into our bed and fell asleep. hah! 

You bring out something in each of your siblings, as they do in you too. Grey is your mentor and cheerleader - teaching you and marveling over how quickly you pick up anything sports related. Gemma is your nurturer - you know she is going to get you whatever you want and will baby you if you need it (even if you don't!) Violet is your audience who gives you the most laughs and encouragement when you're doing something funny or (usually) naughty. Her giggle will be the soundtrack playing in your mind while you figure out your own humor. Rust is your right hand man, how grateful I am that you two have each other. You are lucky to have such a patient big bro willing to play beside you and take all the beatings that come with a little boy that is just figuring out his own strength. Rusty has been bitten, slapped in the face with play weapons, and pinched more times than I can count, but he always forgives you as you figure out how to play safely.  I hope you remember Rusty's patience with you as Olive grows up learning how to control her actions. 

You still suck your fingers when you need to self-soothe. You do the 'rock on' hands and you're small enough for everyone to think it's still cute. You do enough big kid things though that lots of people (us included) forget that you are really only a baby. Especially since you are such a sweet and caring big brother to Olive. You are only 13 months older than her, but you love and care for her without any jealously - it makes me so proud. You kiss her and ask to hold her. You help put her binky in when she accidentally spits it out and you share space in my arms or in my lap with her. She is so lucky to have you, bubie. Thank you for being the best big brother and friend to her.  

The other week we were at a varsity football game and you were playing over near the ramp to the bleachers. I was closer to the fence with the stroller so you and your siblings had a 'home base' to return to when they needed money, or their coat, or to just check in. I could see you, but you were in your own world practicing walking up and down on the ramp. I watched and laughed to myself as person after person passed by you smiling and saying, "Hi Red" while you lifted your hand to them like "hey" so nonchalantly. As the fifth kid to siblings who are all involved in activities, nearly everyone everywhere we go recognizes you....and you're just like, 'what's up.' Dad and I are so grateful that your brothers' and sisters' friends are so kind and patient with you - you have so many examples of how to grow up to be a decent person.

You have a lot of expectation riding on your shoulders from your older siblings which I hope you will learn to see as a blessing and not a curse. There are many of us, but there is still enough room for you to be your own person; exactly you. You both fit with us and widen the scope of who our family is and we are better as a whole for it.  

Life with you, Reddy, is so good. You are funny and wild and the embodiment of 'snips of snails and puppy dog tails'. A bouncing ball of bruises, scrapes, dirt, and energy. Because of your wonder and joy, we are all more aware of the everyday magic of life. You forced a pause button into our fast paced life with school aged kids. You encourage us to pump the brakes and look around - you are such a strong reminder that we are living in the good 'ole days right now.

You are a wonder, a tiny boy wonder. 
I can't believe I get to be the one to snuggle you and kiss your booboos
and read you books and balance you in my arms with your baby sister.
you are exactly what our family needed when we didn't know we needed you.
thank you for being just exactly you.
I love you forever and ever
even when you are bigger than me
my babiest boy, 
I will be loving you, 

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