Around Here Week 39: 09/26-10/02

Monday, October 11, 2021

 A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this moment. 

Intentional Outdoor Hours:  499+ hours (of 1000)
Gosh, nature this time of year always blows me away. The sunrises are gorgeous; the butterflies are all out fluttering this way and that way; the crunch of the leaves; the warmth of the sun but the perfect chill in the breeze. It's just all that my dreams are made of. 

Reading I'm Still Here, Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown. The book is so good and a diving board for self reflection. I'm really loving it. It is also #BannedBooksWeek so I pulled out Shout by Laurie Halse Anderson to read next! 

#Last90days goal setting. Last year, my coworker bestie Renee (hi!) introduced me to the #last90days trend which is kind of like a reverse new years resolution. October 1 is exactly 90 days until the new year, so some people make goals for how they are going to finish out the year. Ever the goal maker, I'm jumping on board. I'm going to attempt to get in 8 miles walking/jogging each week and to write at least 30 minutes daily for the last 90 days! I tracked 2.6 miles in the first two days so far and I went back and re-read one of my novels that I started a few years ago in hopes to get re-inspired (I am!) Between blogging and novel writing; fingers crossed to get my minutes in and this creativity out!

Feeling that bitter sweetness that comes from watching a baby grow up. Olive is 4 months and coming to life so much. Her little personality is so so sweet and I am her favorite person (her huge smile when she seems me makes my heart puddle). She can roll over and chill in the jumper and loves most of all to be in the carrier outside. She hung out with Coach Daddy at football practice on day this week and was a perfect angel because it was outside and she could watch all the boys doing conditioning. I really do love squishy baby stage so much (the 3-5month section). They are so sweet and awake but also still pretty immobile and don't need much more than snuggles and bubbas and diaper changes. Oh my sweets, can't you just stay small forever? But also I can't wait to see all you'll do and who you'll become! 

Gemma started her vision therapy this week with her first weekly appointment. We got 'homework' to do to help strengthen her eyes working together which will hopefully allow her to read more easily. It is so fascinating to see the exercises she is doing because it really makes so much sense that if your eyes aren't working together, it would be so hard to compensate for that. I am so hopeful and excited that our girl will be reading without so much effort in no time! 

Celebrating our 18month old Reddy Pop. Our full blown toddler loves running amok in this house and destroying almost everything he touches. He is so physically active - (a sun up to sun down kind of son) - but still can't really talk at all. He can say less than five actual words, but he certainly gets his point across. He signs a lot and I printed off a communication page so that he can point to things. We are also playing lots of parroting games: first I play with Daddy or a big sib and give them lots of high fives when they get it right and then Red inevitably wants to join in too and give all the words a try and get high fives....but still mostly nonverbal for this kid. 

Cleaning the whole house in a mad dash before Violet's party. Just like my Aunt Mar says, "Nothing like a party to get you to clean up around the house!" (hahaha, hi, love you!) It always makes me frustrated that we spend party day cleaning up like crazy people - but honestly with six kids under twelve, if we cleaned up the day before - we'd just have to do it again the day whatever. It was so nice for the 10 minutes before the party to look around and feel happy and proud that everything looked clean! #bigfamilyprobs 

Partying for Violet's 7th birthday at our house. We had a pretend summer camp party at our house. We played fun 'camp' style games: kickball, squirrels in trees, and Chubby Bunny (with marshmallows). The kids got out the slip n' slide which was nuts because it was kind of chilly - but they don't care! We sang, played cops & robbers in the dark and everyone had a good time. Thank you to all who came and helped celebrate our seven year old Violet! 

Sporting with two football practices for Grey, two football practices for Violet, and Gem had two cheer practices and two basketball practices. We had a 7 hour day at the football field on Sunday while all three kids' teams played against Blacklick Valley. Violet and Greyson's teams remain undefeated! 

Making breaded baked pork chops with haluski, crockpot potato soup, BBQ shredded chicken sammies, and Pioneer Woman bowtie skillet lasagna with garlic bread (big hit!) For Violet's party we had sloppy joes, crockpot mac&cheese and I made cupcakes that I attempted making trees and campfires for the top (hah). 

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