Around Here Week 45: 11/05-11

Sunday, December 3, 2023

 A glimpse into what it is like to be in our family just this moment. 

photo from Jenn V (thank you!)

photo cred: Jackie F

photo cred: Deanna M

photo cred: Uncle Jonny

selfie cred: Uncle Jonny

Intentional Outdoor Hours: 674+ hours (of 1000)
It's getting cooler, but the weather is still pretty wonderful. Gorgeous sunrises and sunsets and a nip to the air that makes coats or hoodies absolutely necessary. My hours have pumped the brakes big time at this time of year, even though the fellas in our family have increased their hours double and triple because of archery season! 

Reading and finishing Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sánez. It was very sweet and I loved the slow unfolding of the coming of age perspective. I tried to start The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman but despite reading 100+ pages (for the second time in my life) I just cannot get in the flow with the writing. The descriptions feel too distracting from the main story for me which stinks because I am really interested in the history and story.

Ordering our Christmas cards! woohoo! I am on the ball this year! 

Spending some time with our nephews at our house on Sunday. We snagged up the little fellas to play outside at our house so Uch and Kev could have a hands free afternoon. It was the most beautiful fall day, so we played outside almost the whole time; running wild and free in the yard with goats and chickens and dogs (hah). 

Smiling at the photos Grey and Jenn V sent from the trip to the Browns NFL game on Sunday. Grey had such a great time - thank you so much for taking him! He got home late Sunday night I loved hearing about his trip. 

Happy for B who got a three day archery-cation. He spent some quality time in the tree stand and even had a sleepover with Booboo at Uncle Jonny's house. No luck on a buck yet though!

Shipping Booboo off to Uncle Jonny and Ninna's house for two days where he got to live out all his reindeer game dreams hunting with his goddadda Uncle Jonny. Those two are like peas in a pod and I am grateful they have each other. (thanks for always giving him the best time Jon & Nin!) 

Thanking the goodness of our community who pinch in to help when the kids have early dismissals or no school. Our kids' school keeps kids at home for parent-teacher conference days so we were scrambling for Thursday. Grey was with B and Uncle Jonny bowhunting. Gemma spent the day with the Lasure girls (thank you!) and Violet and Rusty pretended to be Maurer kids for the day (thank you!!)

Parent teacher conferences for my own kiddos. We don't always sign up for them, but this year I wanted a chance to talk to Gemma's and Rusty's teachers. It was great conversations just to check in and chat. We love the educators at our kids' school district so much and are so grateful for them. Thank you for all you do, teachers!! 

So proud to have my sister Kayla come speak at the Veteran's day assembly for my students. At school on Friday while the students were watching a movie in the auditorium - the teachers and staff cooked and served breakfast for local veterans in the gym (a NS tradition!) I got the supplies for cheesy potatoes and spent the morning prepping toast and then serving coffee and chatting with the veterans. Then the students were introduced to my little sister who spoke beautiful, clearly, and with so much inspiration to my students about the lessons she learned during basic and as a national guard soldier. So proud and grateful that they got to know a little bit about her. Love you, kitty!

Separating, prepping, bagging, and freezing 160 lbs of chicken and 60 lbs of beef for the winter. Let me be clear - this is NOT a fun job. But bless this husband of mine who sliced and bagged so much of it. Olive and I prepped some freezer meals while Grey and Gemma took turns frying up all the fatty pieces for lots of extra dog food. Our freezer is p.a.c.k.e.d full, but what a relief to just know that we have meat in the freezer for meals all winter long. (We wait for Fisher's to have a big sale!)

Finishing our 2022-23 Family Yearbook!! Omigosh, 14 months of photos, organizing, and designing. It is beautiful and such a relief to have it done. I got it ordered (thank goodness for Shutterfly codes that saved some major bucks!) I can't wait for it to get delivered! 

Hair appointment and date night thanks to my cousin Heather. She booked me an appointment and then came over later that evening with her kiddos so that B and I could go out to dinner. What a blessing this girl is in my life! B and I had such a nice evening out just the two of us eating delicious food that we didn't make or clean up (!)

Teaching pre-(first!)novel topics in Spanish 1 like Ecuador, front loading vocabulary, and working on sentence comprehension and writing. Spanish 2 got to watch Coco this week since they missed their Day of the Dead movie last week as we finished El Silbón. Spanish 3 and 4 had writing week and conferences with me as they wrote their essays inspired by La Llorona. It is always fun to watch their immediate panic at writing a Spanish essay melt away as they realize they actually can do it! 

Sporting with wrestling practice (2) for Rusty, and basketball games (3) for Violet. Violet went to a wrestling practice too and had a blast - so she might practice but we are a 1 sport per season per kid family - so since she's playing basketball, she won't be doing any wrestling matches - but she can practice. Gemma had weightlifting (2), basketball practice (1), and a basketball game. Grey had weightlifting (3) and he is all pumped about the OG Fortnite map being re-released like every other teen boy in the nation. 

Making homemade pizza, sloppy joes & cheesy orzo with broccoli, chicken, veggie, & stuffing casserole, pineapple meatballs over rice, and chicken fajitas. I purchased and sent in the supplies for cheesy potato casserole for our school's veterans day breakfast (thanks to the FCS kids for making the casserole!)

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