Around Here Week 46: 11/12-18

Saturday, December 16, 2023

 A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this moment. 

Gemma & Tanner

photo cred: Miss Emma

photo cred: Eva M

Intentional Outdoor Hours:  675+ hours (of 1000)
We had some nice evenings that had the kids out on the blacktop shooting hoops and Rusty & Red wrestling to the ends of the earth on the trampoline. I am always in for sunshine and brisk winter evenings (brisk but not painful, hah!)

Reading Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano which I borrowed from a fellow teacher (thank you Allison!) Then my student Ruby gave me the book she just finished and loved; These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong and our first Project Lit books were delivered this week - In the Wild Light by Jeff Zentner. My next couple weeks are looking pretty stellar for reading! yay! 

Closing out Varsity football season with the end of season banquet. The boosters did a beautiful job setting up the dinner, food was delicious, and B did a great job speaking. The football seniors got up to say some words too and it was very sweet and touching what they had to say about Coach Studer. The highlight video from the season was great and had my eyes watering by the end. Bravo everyone, off season starts now! hahha. 

Staining the back porch (finally!) and at the very last moment for winter fully hits. Hah, leave it to the Studers to wait to stain until it is 55 degrees outside (good grief). It does look good though and I am so relieved to know that the wood will be protected from the harsh winter. 

Always thankful for Ambitious Cuts who takes my scruffy looking fellas and cleans them up so nice and handsome. B and Grey went to the barbershop this week and thank goodness because Grey trying to sweat through that thick hair for basketball season would have been impossible. We love you Mont! 

Kissing Brandon's bare cheek (hah!) after he had his beard shaved off at the Save It or Shave It event to benefit a sweet little two year old in our community who is going through cancer treatment. B played in the teacher vs. student volleyball tournament and then he and 7 other male teachers had their beards shaved off in front of everyone! B hasn't had a clean-shaved face in over 7 years!! Rust, Red, and Olive have never seen him without a beard - hah! But he still sounds like Daddy and smells like Daddy and hugs like Daddy - so everyone was okay. B is still getting used to it - he keep surprising himself in reflective surfaces (hahhaha!)

Sending Gemma off to the Hunsberger family square dance on Saturday night. She had a blast and danced the whole time - thank you Mock family for taking her! 

Clothes bin flipping for sizes and seasons and if you are a mom, you know. Gosh, I literally had tears in my eyes from the overwhelm of all the clothes. 3 girls, 3 boys all different sizes and seasons - stuff in between sizes and stuff that is no one's current 'style.' 

Pink eye arrives at the Studer house this week from third grade. Apparently it was going around and Violet came home sporting a red, swollen eye. This is not good news considering we have a family that does not know how to operate without sharing; space, drinks, forks, food, pillows...all the things. 

Teaching about capybaras in Spanish 1 including the traditional Capibara Design project (always a favorite and a great classroom decoration border!) Spanish 2 got into Somos 12 which includes personal belongings vocab and La Bolsa presentations. Spanish 3 and 4 turned in their La Llorona short stories and then started Somos 18 learning about Spanish superstitions. I had my first school Thanksgiving dinner lunch alone which was bumming me out. It was one of our favorite lunchdates when B used to work at my school so it was a little sad this year (but still yummy!) I also sent out the email for our Staffsgiving potluck next week (charcuterie themed) for our volleyball tournament day!

Sporting with two wrestling practices for Rusty. Violet had a basketball practice and a basketball game. Gemma had a basketball game, weightlifting, and she's practicing up with the jr high team and doing their book this season! Grey had one baseball workout, a few weightlifts, and the start of basketball season with the first practice on Friday afternoon (thank goodness! that child is too antsy in the pantsy without a sports season going on)

Making Manicotti casserole, Grey grilled homemade burgers for everyone on Sunday, copycat Olive garden chicken over noodles, roasted kielbasa, potatoes, and veggies. We also had enchiladas and egg roll in a bowl spaghetti. I made some apple pie bars for breakfast on Saturday and stuffed pepper soup for lunch prep this week too. 

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