Around Here Week 8 02/17-22

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A glimpse into what it is like to be in our family just this moment. 

photo cred: Michael O'Ship

photo cred: Michael O'Ship

photo cred: Becky C

photo cred: Uch

photo cred: Uch (that's me under there - sick with fevers and chills, hah!)

the birthday kids

Intentional Outdoor Hours: 11+ hours (of 1000)
THE COLD. THE SNOW. THE ICE. I just can't anymore. I know it's only February and obviously it is still winter - but usually at this point we have had a few nice days that we could enjoy the sun and outdoor playing. It has just been relentlessly cold and windy. The kids need out of the house (hah), I despise wearing winter outerwear, everyone's hot breath and germs are just recirculating in the house and schools....we need some ventilation of fresh air and a major dose of vitamin D, please! 

Reading and finishing The Push by Ashley Audrain. It was good and definitely had great pacing. It reminded me so much of the movie We Need to Talk About Kevin which I haven't seen in probably 10+ years but it still regularly haunts me (very unsettling and great movie). I really liked the very raw, physical, brutality that Audrain used to describe motherhood - because FOR REAL. So battered and broken and giving of all the things (mind, body, and soul) that you're so deeply connected which is somehow also completely disconnecting. Great book, but very unnerving. I sent some book club notes with Renee to the meeting since I couldn't there to discuss What the Wind Knows by Amy Harmon (thank you for sharing for me!) 

Listening to The Things we Hide from the Light by Lucy Score and I very quickly remember how much I enjoy the Knockemout characters. Actually Lol'ing at some of the scenes because they are so hilariously crude.

So relieved to finally get the truck key replacement!? The truck keys went missing two weeks ago (B? Olive? Dropped in the snow and ice somewhere?) So we have been trying to deal with driving Jillian (the Honda Pilot) and Lucille (the 12 passenger 2 wheel drive) in this weather for the last two weeks. It has been maddening but we finally were able to secure a locksmith at our house to get the replacement keys made. Thank goodness!! The truck is back in business and you really truly don't know what you got till it's gone, man. 

Laughing though because it is just always a three ring circus. I drove Lucille home on Wednesday night and couldn't get up the driveway (ice/snow) so since the truck finally worked again - B was like just stay there (half way up the driveway) and I'll pull you up with the truck. While I'm sitting there (on a steep grade) the gas light comes on. B is trying to hook up the ties and then tries to pull it up but can't get a good grip. Then Lucille runs out of gas (LOL) and I don't want to back it down the driveway, so we have to switch places but I can't let my foot off the brake until he puts his foot on. LIKE COME ON. Then he backs down with no power steering because, of course.  We did make it to the bottom and park Lucille down there and then walked back up the driveway to the truck because nothing is ever normal - I swear.

Visiting the art show at the elementary school where Violet was showing her mosaic art work. Thank you to the incredible Mrs. Williams (our elementary STEAM teacher) who is always encouraging and supportive to all our kids - we love you! 

Celebrating our thirteen year old! Gemma Rose turned 13 this week! Don't mind me blowing up 13 balloons at 6:30a for her bedroom (LOL). She got some very sweet messages from her aunts and friends throughout the day (including a special video message that three senior football players were convinced to make for her! Girlhood at its finest!) She requested pineapple meatballs over rice for dinner and we sang over rice krispie treats. Aunt Uch took her for a facial and eyebrow wax at Swanky with lunch out to eat too! (thank you). She got gifts from her grandparents and she has decided to hold off on a party until the weather is nicer. This girl - how lucky we are to be in her orbit.

Helping Grey finalize his schedule choices for his sophomore year. Time is crazy. 

Getting slammed with the germs. Rusty and I woke up on Saturday morning laid up. Both with fevers, chills, and sore throats. My parents took Rusty to stay for the day and then sleep over (thank you!) it was such a blessing to just let him rest and hydrate. I mostly laid under blankets (and had the kids lay on top of me because I always want pressure on me when I have fever/chills - is that normal?) I did nothing all day but lay and drink hot tea. B and I watched two episodes of The Night Agent season 2. I really don't have time for this (LOL) but one whole day of not moving should help me bounce back because #motherhood 

Wishing a very happy birthday to Pappy who celebrates his birthday one day after Gemma. And so did Grey's bestie twin friends Bryce and Reed - happy birthday to you boys, we love you! We went to Dino's restaurant in Latrobe to celebrate. 

I'm not the only one right?! This is the same storyline as so many historical fictions AND historical nonfiction books. Everywhere I look and read is just patterns. Don't try to gaslight me, I know I have read this book!?!

Teaching my elementary students about the Galapagos Islands and we learned about Charles Darwin, Green Sea Turtles, and the Galapagos Giant Tortoises. My Spanish Expo class worked through the geography week and Spanish 1 continued with verb conjugations but focusing on the Super7 verbs. Spanish 2 read Chapters 10 & 11 and closed out the book with a speaking quiz. I also met with my Spanish teacher mentee and she is the absolute sweetest and so clearly cares about her students. I am so grateful to get to chat with her and bounce ideas off of each other about teaching Spanish. We discussed things that are going well and what goals we have for the next month.

Sporting with two swim practices for Rusty to prep for his last upcoming swim meet and Violet had a Sparks soccer practice.  Grey had three basketball practices and the last two basketball games of the season. I texted my 5u AYSO players' families to introduce myself and give some important dates and I created the Weights&Wings flyer for the football offseason event, 

Making cheesy broccoli chicken and rice, bbq deer meat sandwiches, pineapple meatballs over rice (Gemma's birthday dinner request), Pioneer Woman skillet lasagna. I made Gemma's request of Rice Krispy treats for her birthday dessert. 

Sourdoughing: blueberry muffins with discard

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