Around Here Week 23: 06/06-12

Saturday, July 3, 2021

 A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this moment. 

Intentional Outdoor Hours: 189 + hours (of 1000)
Relishing in these warm summer days that encourage lots of outdoor time. The kids have gotten into playing on the flat part of the back yard either 2 on 2 soccer matches or 2 on 2 mini field baseball. Surprisingly, they've been playing for a decent amount of time before a rule discrepancy fight breaks out. 

Reading I'm Sorry...Love your Husband by Clint Edwards and really finding it very heartwarming. Some parts have me cracking up and other parts I have tears in my eyes. Very relatable and sweet. (I got it as a first Father's Day gift for our future nephew's dadda...Kev, you don't read my blog, right? if so, spoiler alert...nobody tell him, okay? thanks.) 

Starting Daddy's summer schedule of four 10-hr days a week!

Feeling the Rotten 8 exhaustion deep in my bones. Aw man, I don't know what is a hallucination/dream or what is reality. So apologies if you've had an in-person conversation with me recently. You may have been talking to Tab who had enough waking brain cells for that moment or the autopilot version of myself who has been running this vessel while my subconscious sleeps during the day. It's a riot.  Hhahha, only 5 more weeks of Rotten 8 to go! 

Celebrating Aunt Kitty’s birthday at Greenhouse park with our family. We all met at Greenhouse park on Tuesday evening to sing and be merry. Serendipitously, there was a huge sand pile in the volleyball court that was waiting to be spread (our kids helped by playing King of the Mountain for a solid half hour). Kitty brought her slack line too which the kids loved trying out. How lucky we are to have an Aunt Kitty who is always ready for playing, silliness, and adventure.

Rearranging the girls room and clearing out tons of clutter. This is the start of the summer project to CLEAR.ALL.THE.THINGS Violet revealed to us all that she had quite a stash of Easter candy and eggs hidden in her bed (!?) and we got enough moved around and cleared out that we can move the crib into the girls’ room for Olive!

Tragically losing a goat this week. Ugh, it was terrible. We got home late from a baseball game and Brandon was tucking in the farmette when he saw that one of our black goats was laying down with almost no energy to even pick her head up. When he got near her, he could see that her stomach was so bloated and she was struggling to breathe. The kids called me down and B and I were down with her trying to save her (baking soda/oil drink and massaging her rumen to get her to burp) but it was not enough. We were all crushed – especially my two most empathetic kids (Gem & Rust). We are being super careful now about checking their baking soda access and making sure they don’t have access to the duck/chicken feed (sometimes grain can cause goat bloat) or wondering if somehow Bobo got into a patch of clover (also a goat bloat culprit).

Visiting Daddy and the office ladies at work to have a meet & greet with Olive.

Smiling about peony season! 

Snow fence hanging around a big portion of weeds that we hope the goats will clear for us next. It is right next to their pasture and we included the chicken coop in the perimeter to try to keep them safe from the fox that is picking them off one by one. The goats were so happy to be ‘free ranged’ and were chowing down on the weeds while the ducks and chickens roamed all around.

Sporting with FIVE baseball games this week for Grey; his team was making up a bunch of rained out games and then in the playoffs (best of 3 series which they won so on to the ‘ship!) Rusty and Violet each had their last soccer game this week and Gem had a soccer practice with her tourney team. I got back into the sporting this week (3 week postpartum!) and played with our co-ed volleyball team at Roxbury! It actually felt really great to move my body again and obviously I love my teammates (which include 2 of my former students!)

Making not much- We have been pretty lax about dinners these days between newborn Rotten 8 exhaustion and concession stand access (HAH). I did make zucchini bread for breakfast this week using up a zucchini that was barely hanging on that I found in the fridge. I also whipped up some chocolate chip oatmeal cookies because I was craving them. I threw some creamy Italian chicken in the crockpot one night, we had pizza at Kitty’s bday hang (thank you Bryan!), and I brought Thomahawk take out pizza to Grey’s night game on Friday night. On Monday, we were gifted a delicious meal of ham loaf, mac&cheese, broiled broccoli and peanut butter pie from a co-worker and sweet friend Katie (thank you so much! Rusty ate two helpings which is amazing because he is our pickiest eater out of the whole lot!) Green Chef meals rounded out the rest: B and I enjoyed Udon peanut Noodles and Cajun chickpea power bowls- and as always, the meals were incredible.

1 comment:

  1. Redland sucks the same fingers as my sister, and it is just so precious to me! Love seeing the pics of him. Also, that pic of him with the BBQ sauce is too much! He's so adorable!!
    I also spent the first half of summer clearing out our house. Gosh, it feels so good!
    What is Brandon up to that has him working four 10 hour days? I'm so sorry! I know how we miss having daddy around here when he's gone. I imagine it's the same at your place!
