oh boy, somehow spring has already come and gone and we are knocking on summer's official door (tomorrow!) so I guess it's about time I do a quick wrap up of our spring happenings, eh?
We were invited to spend an afternoon stocking trout in April with our friends Dave & Addison at their family's fishing camp. This was Grey's second year helping and Gem and my first year (since she was just a brand new baby at this time last year - crazy how much changes in 12 months).
It was a beautiful, crisp day and the kids loving playing with the other kids and helping to dump the fish in the creek. We also go to enjoy a delicious deer roast on a spit over the fire that I honestly was embarrassing myself with how much I kept going back for me. And also, I'm convinced we need a rotisserie set for our firepit. Like, now.
Later in April, Brandon participated again in the Alumni Basketball tournament at Conemaugh Township. This year, our Valley Alum team came in 3rd place (out of 4) which is an improvement from last year (last place). We had a great time watching Daddy play basketball and the kids went total bonkers on the court at halftime and after the games running around dancing and being just wild.
The first day of trout is basically a state holiday where we come from - so we all got geared up for that. Grey got to spend the night (woohoo! sleepover!) at the Gilmore fishing camp in Bedford with Pappy Butch and Daddy this year. He was so excited to get to wear Brandon's old fishing vest.
And on opening day, Gigi, Gemmi, and I headed out to the nail salon - as is our Studer girl tradition - to get pedicures. Gem had her first pedicure complete with
Piggy Paint
. In total Diva fashion, she sat on the chair and waited patiently while her toes were painted, and then sat under the dryer. She's ridiculous.
After we got fancy toes, the three of us headed out to meet the boys at the creek for a little while that afternoon. Grey was happily traipsing about handing out mill worms to everyone from his coat pockets and Gem was content to sit perched in her Dadda's arms while he cast his line out. #countrykids
Booboo had the time of his life with his cousin, Reid - and to this day talks about him randomly and occasionally will announce that he is Reid and 'look, I don't have my teeth,' (since Reid had lost his front teeth). It was great to see the Studer/Gilmore crew all together as they have done for every first day of trout for all of history. It's sort of hard to find anything that we love more than traditions.
We had a mini wedding dress shopping adventure with
my bride-to-be sister. After Kayla tried on three dresses that all looked equally amazing on her and I said more times than necessary the word 'sexy,' HAH - My sisters (scf), mum, and I all headed out for a quick drink and then later met up with our surrogate mom, Becky, for appetizers and drinks later that night. What a fun afternoon of major girl time and wedding talk. Loved it big time. (thank you B for keeping the kids!)
Katie and I mustered some serious ambition to take our four kids to the Jaffa Circus. It was jam packed and the kids were mesmerized for a solid 15 minutes. Then my two decided to put on their own circus act: Gem teased the little boy sitting behind us by attempting to take his shoes off while Grey leaned/laid on the man's shoulder in front of us. Needless to say, we hightailed it out of there at intermission.
We had much better luck with the kids back at the Fiore house. Grey and Soph played romantically (at least in their mom's eyes that are constantly looking for hints of their future marriage, HAH) and the girls played house for a little while. It is always a good time when the Studer and Fiore kids (and moms!!) get together.
Brandon and I played in an indoor volleyball league all winter (did I not say this yet before? oops) but after a whole 8 months of playing (seriously), we ended up as the champs of the league! Our inappropriate team name "I'd hit that" is the reason for the obnoxious faces. Sorry 'bout that. [and in case I forget to mention it, we're playing in outdoor summer leagues now! yay for physical activity!]
Brandon participated in a charity golf tournament with Jon and Mario (another spring tradition!) while the kids and I met up with Ninna at a nearby park & playground. Afterwards, we all headed over to the Sacco's house for a fire and some drinks and Booboo was convinced that Mr. Sacco was the Once-ler since he mentioned cutting down trees and had a shed in the backyard. Typical Booboo.
We frequented (maybe too many times) our new local ice cream spot where you pay by the ounce [and Brandon cannot contain his topping obsession]: Sweet Frog. We've been there two separate times with our Uzelac cousins! Once we ran into Kyleigh where the three of them giggled and hugged the whole time = adorable.
And another time, we headed over with Mallory, Hunter, and Tete to chow down on copious amounts of frozen deliciousness. And then the kids spontaneously started a dance party in the middle of the shoppe on our way out. They make their mommas real proud.
Booboo had his first dentist appointment. He was very well behaved and also got great marks on his nice, clean teeth.
And I took this picture of Gemma and Trixie in which it is unclear if they aren't actually the same species.
For Mumma's day - I attempted to start a new tradition with the kids that we 'sleep out' in the living room and watch 'Mum's favorite movie' (The Princess Bride) and it was a total bust. The air mattress deflated, Gem wanted to go to her crib and Booboo woke up at 12:30p and told me, "I WANT TO GO TO YOUR BED. NOW!" I'm going to keep trying it every year though - a little whining, back pain, and exhaustion can't dissuade this Mumma!
We spent Mother's Day at my Mum's house (B had to work and Gigi & Pappy were vacationing in the DR) enjoying delicious dinner and letting the children run wild and free (getting tired all the while). My Mum got the kids and I matching shirts from Universal Studios when she was recently there. I seriously love them: Thing 1, Thing 2, and 'The Mother of all Things'.
with my parents' family tree wall mural |
My mum and all her girls |
And then right before we were heading home, Greyson got
Nanny's Elbow and my dad and I had to take him down to the ER to get it popped back in place. He was fixed up in a matter of a half hour and my mom and Sis met us to hand Gemma over. We made it home at around 11:30p and I still had a half hour of Mother's day to enjoy a glass of wine and a little reading. Boom.
A few days later, I got to 'cash in' my Mother's day gift from B and the kids - we set up our garden! We planted tomatoes, sweet peppers, broccoli, sugar snap peas, and corn! It's growing great and I think our corn will be 'knee high by the fourth of July' at this rate!
And my friend and previous Brooklyn housemate, Alana, stopped to visit on her travels back to DC. It was so good to catch up with her after five years (!! the last time we saw each other was at my wedding!) and it was just like old times laughing and gossiping like no time had passed at all. In thoughtful 'Alana fashion', she brought along gifts for the kids (thank you, Lana!) and they quickly used up all the bubbles in a matter of minutes.
We finished out the month of May with Gigi's birthday dinner (yay!), and Grey and Gem chased a tiny frog all over the deck for a large part of the night.
It has been a busy and fun springtime for the Studer zoo crew.