A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this moment.
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photo cred: Brandon |
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photo cred: Abba |
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photo cred: Abba |
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photo cred: Barb & Wayne A |
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photo cred: Barb & Wayne A |
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set up credit: Rusty |
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photo cred: Gemma |
Intentional Hours Outside: 91+ hours (of 1000)
Scoring all kinds of hours thanks to spring sports, although it was so chilly at Violet's soccer game on Sunday that I hid out and watched from the car like a crybaby. (lol). We did get a few late nights outside enjoying the yard, fire, and trampoline. Makes me so hopeful for summertime when no one goes inside until well after 10pm while the kids laugh together and run all over the yard catching lightening bugs. Gah, I don't want to wish time away, but also - we are almost there!
Reading and finishing There Will Be Lies by Nick Lake. In a million years, I never would have picked this book up to read on my own, but my student Kaylee was reading it a few months ago and I asked her about it and she remembered that and lent it to me. I always make a point to finish the books that my students borrow out to me because if they think I am worthy of getting a little peek into their minds and hearts through a book - I'm taking it! For the record, I loved this book and the storytelling. I'll be looking into Nick Lake's other books because I'm so impressed with the way he twisty-road tells the story that blends both fantasy and reality. I had no clue where the book was going to end up, but it was honest and beautiful and touching. This quote especially had my heart soaring (and if you read this of my writing a few years ago, you will get the connection).
"You are a billion years of ancestors, in one person....Every one, every single one, of your million ancestors, whether they were amoebas or mice or finally apes, survived long enough to have at least one child....so every generation that goes into your genes is a generation of fighters, of survivors. And all those millions of lives are in you, in your blood..."
I really, really enjoyed it. Next up: The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides which is a borrow from my student Mya, Layla by Colleen Hoover (a borrow from my student Nadia), and Verity by Collen Hoover (a borrow from my student Layla). Only 4 weeks = must finish all the students' borrows!
Planning a three day potluck week at school as the Sunshine committee. End of the year - teachers need all the pick-me-ups we can get. We had Mexican food Monday (taco bar!), Well-balanced Wednesday (soups & salads), and TGIFreaking Thursday (appetizers & desserts). A few departments got assigned one of the days and we all got to eat and feel happy all week long! Thanks to everyone for going along with my wacky ideas!
Wishing a happy 40th to two of our best friends this week! My bestie and college roommate Karpy and Brandon's best friend and uncle/godfather to our kids Juice.
Smiling for Vi to get a sleepover and hooky-day with my parents. She went golfing with Chum, they ate yummy food, and got lots of important one on one time. Hooray for mental health days!
Knocking out some dentist appointments this week - B had one and Gem & Vi had one. Thank you to my parents who picked up from school and took the girls to theirs! It's generally such a pain to logistically plan appointments, but then feels like such an accomplishment to check them off the list for another 6 months.
God bless the siblings of athletes. We have a no-screen rule at practices and games, so they are responsible for figuring it out and man, do they ever. I pack snacks and some light random toys (a ball, some dinosaur figurines, a baby doll) - but mostly they just run around and sit on laps and cheer for their siblings and get through it. They are the real heroes.
Why no screens at sports? We are a low-tech family and like to encourage/promote opportunities when our kids need to work through boredom. It's a lot easier to be screen free at outdoor sporting events (fall & spring) than it is winter in a gym - but we still enforce it then too. Screen time unfortunately begets more screen time. I refuse to manage the volatile reactions that come from trying to pull a screened-up kid away from their device. On top of that, you would be hard-pressed to find a more naturally stimulating environment than a sporting event - the space! the sounds! the movement! the action! All of that information is getting processed and working their brains. They interact with other siblings of athletes & grown ups. They cheer for and learn about the rules of the game. I don't want them so hyper focused on something a few inches from their face that it distracts them from all the incredible sights/sounds and learning that is available in real life.
Loving our new cutting board which was custom created by Booboo in woodshop! He designed, cut, sanded, and laser'ed it. He also loved his art elective last quarter where they made art but learned some art history too. It's cool to see where his interests lean and the things he chooses to share with us randomly on car rides and at the dinnertable. Like out of the blue, we get these tiny snippets of things he thinks are important. Getting to know your teen is kind of awesome.
Applauding my students who put on Oklahoma! for their musical production this year. My teacher friend, Kelcy organized a girls' night out for some of us and we met a local restaurant before heading to over to the show. My kids did so great and I always get teary-eyed to see all their hard work pay off in the show.
Chickies everywhere. For record, my husband should not trusted in tractor supply during chickie season just like I should not be trusted in books stores (ever). He went to tractor supply to pick up supplies to FIX the outdoor chicken coop to move our teenage chickens outside (they need to get out of my house!) and he comes home with 5 guinea chicken babies. In his defense, we have been wanting to get guineas because they are tick-eaters, but still. Another round of babies in the brooder in the living room, I guess! The teenage chicks did get moved outside so at least for that!
Teaching the last novel of the year in Spanish 1 (Tumba); we started with vocab and learning about Mexico (I love introducing the kids to Cenotes - they are amazing! google them!) And then we read chapters 1 & 2 this week. Spanish 2 started their last novel of the year too (Robo en la Noche) and we got vocab and then learned about Costa Rica. It's always a little brutal when I tell the kids I studied abroad in Costa Rica my junior year of college in 2004 and they say, "I wasn't even born then." oof. But they liked hearing all my stories and got really into the Costa Rica itinerary project. We read chapters 1-3 this week. Spanish 3/4 is working its way through Felipe Alou and we read through chapter 8. Had some great meaningful conversations about how language can build bridges.
Sporting with a championship win for Brandon's old man basketball team! Hooray, first season ever as champions! Rusty had two machine pitch games this week. He is hitting great and playing outfield - learning a little more each game. (he looks so darn sweet in his uniform too, cannot even stand it) Violet had a Sparks game and two Sparks practices (thank you Feathers family for being the most clutch chauffeurs of all time!). Vi and I also had AYSO photos and two AYSO practices. Gemma had two AYSO practices this week, while Grey had three Jr. High baseball games, one Jr. High practice, and 1 Pony league baseball practice. Brandon had open weight lifting for football four nights a week too which we aren't quite into the groove yet of not having Daddy home most nights until after 9p, but we are getting there.
Making crockpot apple porkchops, crispy chicken ranch wraps, kielbasa & pierogies, crockpot Olive garden chicken over noodles, and take out pizza. I made cream cheese chicken tacos and chocolate pumpkin muffins for our staff potluck this week too. On Saturday, I made a batch of peanut butter, oatmeal, raisin, chocolate chip cookies (lol, but gotta get those extras in to fill up my kids' ever starving bellies!)
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