A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this moment.
photo cred: Greyson |
photo cred: St David's Youth Group |
Intentional Outdoor Hours: 550+ (of 1000)
Fall is still hanging on and the sunrises and sunsets are killer - they have been stopping me in my tracks these past few days. I didn't get many outdoor hours this week as I made the adjustment to an extra baby in the house, but I was able to pack on both babies (Liv in the backpack and Wells in the front carrier) and take a few laps around the house with them both! The kids are still enjoying daily trampoline wrestling/football matches after school and we are soaking up all the evening light hours before daylight savings time kicks into effect.
Reading Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy and loving it a lot. What a beautiful writer - I am honestly blown away by the way she weaves the characters' stories through the setting so gorgeously. Like the whole setting is also a character somehow. All of the reviews call her writing 'atmospheric' and I hate to copy their word - but honestly that's spot on - so yeah - same.
Juggling all the babies in my first week of babysitting my sweet nephew Wells. I can't believe I get to spend my days surrounded by squishy babies - honestly - my dream come true since I was a little girl. Of course three diaper kids plus one preschooler is busy (and loud!) all day, but the blessing to be here to see their sweet smiles and kiss all those squishy cheeks and watch their delight in each other is not lost on me. The two littlest are synced in up schedules for the most part which makes things so much easier for two naps a day. Rust is a big help and even Reddy likes to help by giving binkies back and picking out diapers when needed. Thank you Uch and Kev for entrusting your little man to me - I am the luckiest girl in all the land; truly.
Voting for all our local offices on Tuesday!
Clapping for Olive who figured out balancing to sit upright this week! She is also trying to pull herself along the floor, slither style to reach for things. And she's eating so much more and interested in trying new types of foods. Such a biggie sweetie squishy cutie girl - I can't stand it!
Sighing like a drama queen about the endless loads of laundry that need done in a family of eight. HON.EST.LY. It's unreal.
Dancing and moving with Grow with Jo videos! I found her this week as I have been trying to get in a few miles a week walking with Leslie (who I still love) but then I found Jo and now I'm obsessed. What a joy Jo is; so happy and smiling and her videos are fun but really work up a sweat. Like many of the commenters - I agree that it is so nice to have a fun workout that is all standing - truly for beginners. And after having two babies in two years, what I need is a way to move and sweat and laugh - and Jo really gives that. The kids usually hop in on the workout with me because it's so simple and fun. Check her out - I'm officially a Grow with Jo superfan.
Enjoying Brandon's company a little extra this week since he took a three day hunt vacation from work. Which just means he hunts in the morning and then I get some extra hours with him in the afternoon. I'll take what I can get! No luck on a deer yet, but he is having a great time spending time with his Dad in the woods which is what it's all about anyway.
Laughing instead of crying because TODDLERS. gosh, how do we mommas forget? I know, toddlers are crazy right - we all know this. But somehow the true desperate insanity leaves our mind, because lemmetellyou - I am desperately insane every evening when I look at the devastation, destruction, and terror that has been left in the wake of our 19month old. HAH! It's just not even possible to make a mess as big as him if I was trying. Just remember to pray for mothers of toddlers, that's it.
Gathering up the Halloween decorations and sifting through the inventory. I got rid of a bunch of stuff and trashed some things that were getting old. I'm hoping that each holiday I can keep doing this so that our stash thins out about and only includes the things that we use. Our attic has really gotten away from me over the last two years of babies/pregnancies and I need to reel it back in. The holiday decor is my first step.
Upgrading our phones. B's phone died on Thursday and so after years (!?) of using our cracked screen phones we were forced into upgrading - hah #parentlife B had the hateful task of going to the actual store to upgrade our phones and get everything sorted out-why does it take so long? (thank you Babe) and now we are both trying to get used to our new phones with the upgrades and size. Countdown on to see who can crack their screen first (#notfunnybutlife)
Smiling about Grey's fun Saturday with the church youth group. He got up bright and early to help make 400 apple dumplings for their fundraiser and then the group went to a trampoline park for the evening. He had an awesome time and it is just felt like a confirmation that it was a good move to switch to our new church!
Sporting with equipment turn in for football and cheer (everything all organized, cleaned, and packed up! Always kind of a relief to get equipment clutter out of the house) Gemma had one basketball practice and two games. Brandon OC'ed the last Varsity game on Friday night too!
Making meatball sammies, slow cooker cream cheese chicken taquitos (a Studer house favorite!), ham and noodle casserole, meatloaf, and frozen pizzas on Friday night. I also made a batch of each: pumpkin/chocolate chip muffins and fruity pebble muffins for breakfast.