The Inspired Readers Book Club

Thursday, June 4, 2015

I am clearly a fan of the internet (exhibit A: this blog), but I know how it can also be a big, weird, pile of yuck too.  I'm a big believer in the philosophy that you'll find what you look for - so if you're on the look out for hateful, divisive, internet garbage, you'll find it (for sure).  But if you're on the search for beautiful, inspiring, and uplifting corners of the world (wide web), you'll definitely find that too.  

I'm always on the hunt for beautiful, inspiring, and uplifting and I have found a lot of it in the folds of the internet where the gems are buried but still shining.  Two of those gems have been Ashley from the Big White Farmhouse and Shelly from The Cunningham Family in Bush Alaska.  These two ladies have been a regular source of inspiration and friendship to me over the past three years despite never having actually met in real life.  

Ashley recently proposed that the three of us team up to create a book club since we all share some similar thoughts about intentional living, constantly learning and growing, and obviously - Reading!  And so the Inspired Readers book club was formed!

We are just getting started and wanted to extend an invitation to all of you to be a part of our book club.  We hope to read a wide range of types of books together, but to start Ashley selected a book that was representative of our passion towards being intentional about life.  

As Ashley wrote on her blog..

"Our first book is going to be Make It Happen by Lara Casey. We thought it was the perfect choice to start with since intentional living is what brought us together in the first place! We will be reading and discussing this book for eight weeks, which takes us through June and July. We think this is the perfect pace for the summer and it should be easy to fit the chapters in during all of your summer fun!

The reading schedule is as follows:
Week 1 (started Monday!): Introduction to the Book Club, "Welcome to your Start"
Week 2 (June 8): Chapters 1-3
Week 3 (June 15): Chapters 4-6
Week 4 (June 22): Chapters 7-9
Week 5 (June 29): Chapters 10-12
Week 6 (July 6): Steps #1 & #2
Week 7 (July 13): Step #3
Week 8 (July 20): Step #4 & #5

So how can you get in on this inspiration?  Check out our private Facebook group (join us here!), order your book (real book or Kindle version!) and introduce yourself!

Every Monday we hope to post a few questions to get conversations started, so feel free to check in and let us know how you're feeling too. 

As busy Mums ourselves, we want this book club to be something that brings you joy and inspiration - not another thing to add to you plate and make you stressed.  We want to build community, for it to be fun, and to be a place to recharge your soul! 

Looking forward to meeting you all and to help create and be a part of another inspiring little corner of the web. xxox 


  1. I was just looking for an inspiring book to read this month and here it is !

    I will be following along with you ( but unfortunately I don`t belong to FaceBook.)

    1. hooray! I'd love to include you though in the conversation somehow even though you don't have facebook! Are you interested in doing something through email? I can give you updates on the facebook convo and I can submit your thoughts for you? Happy reading!!

  2. So excited about this adventure we're on together!!!
