Mile 37 with my internet bestie Shelly on a long distance call between PA and Washington state! Shelly and I have been supporting each other, chatting, and following along with each other's lives since 2012 when we found each other's family blogs. We've never met in person (!) but I probably know more about her life and kids than I know about some of the people that live in our community. It is a rare and wonderful friendship that we have and the meaningful messages and comments we share with each other have sometimes been validation in motherhood that I have needed to get through the hard moments. I walked around the track at Purchase Line during a football scrimmage while she walked around her house (trapped inside from the wildfire smoke in WA) while we caught up and laughed about all things motherhood and teaching.
40 miles for 40 years!
Monday, November 27, 2023
Mile 37 with my internet bestie Shelly on a long distance call between PA and Washington state! Shelly and I have been supporting each other, chatting, and following along with each other's lives since 2012 when we found each other's family blogs. We've never met in person (!) but I probably know more about her life and kids than I know about some of the people that live in our community. It is a rare and wonderful friendship that we have and the meaningful messages and comments we share with each other have sometimes been validation in motherhood that I have needed to get through the hard moments. I walked around the track at Purchase Line during a football scrimmage while she walked around her house (trapped inside from the wildfire smoke in WA) while we caught up and laughed about all things motherhood and teaching.
Around Here Week 44: 10/29-11/04
Saturday, November 25, 2023
A glimpse into what it is like to live in our family just this moment.
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cheering section from two families of eight (hah!) |
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cousins: Grey & Gracie! |
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photo cred: Brady at her birthday party! |
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photo cred: B |
Intentional Outdoor Hours: 673+ hours (of 1000)
ah snow! On Nov 1, we woke up to a thin layer of snow. Reddy asked, "Is it Christmas!?" haha. It was all melted by the afternoon and then we got some beautiful sunshiney warm-ish days later in the week, so we're not quite done with fall yet (yay!) The boys are still squeezing in time for the treestand; now that Grey doesn't have football after school, he's been going between school dismissal and dark. Pappy took him out again on Saturday morning while B and Rusty spent some time together in the double tree stand.
Reading and finishing What Alice Forgot by Lianne Morarity. I liked it and I'm having a lot of feelings about it since the main character was my exact age and mirrors me in many ways (volunteers to help too much, has a romantic heart, etc) so it was wild to read it and recognize so many feelings from my own literal brain. And then I was mad at Brandon after reading it (LOL, reason number 784 why he gets annoyed with me reading) but then I was happy with him by the end! I started reading Aristole & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
So grateful to have Abba and Aunt Kitty pinch in to watch the babies all this week while our nanny Miss Emma got a chance to get away to warm weather in the Happiest Place on Earth (ie. Disney). I was able to go to work as usual thanks to Abba and Aunt Kitty and the babies were thrilled to get in some extra time with them without the big kids hogging them (hah). Thank you both for this week!
Enjoying spooky dinner at our Rummell cousins' house to celebrate cousin Lainey's 10th birthday. Heather did an impressive jobs staying on theme with all her appetizers and food (so cute!) and the kids all had fun playing Halloween themed games.
Scrubbing jerseys before equipment turn-in. Every single time I am scrubbing a sports uniform hunched over the sink with my eyebrows creased trying to get some mud and grass stains out I feel so deeply connected to motherhood. This thing we are doing; holding the ends together in the invisible moments of the day: scrubbing jerseys in between games, swinging by to grab milk, bread, and diapers on the way home from work, braiding hair before bed so it's wavy in the morning, signing permission slips and jotting down the dates for three weeks from now, tucking in toesies (even if they're a size 10.5 men's teenage toesies now). When I'm doing these vital yet entirely invisible tasks of motherhood I think of all of you out there that are doing them too. I see you. Love you guys, keep on fighting the good fight. xxo
Trick-or-treating one last time as is tradition at my sister's house on Halloween night. It was a weather 180 from last weeks' trick-or-treat, but the kids didn't really care anyway. We stopped by a few houses to get treats but mostly hung out on Aunt Kitty's porch with our family laughing and chatting.
Volunteering for the football boosters at the Jr High end of season pizza party. Big thanks to Mel O who made beautiful and delicious desserts (thank you!) and to Becky C who was my last minute pizza delivery woman (thank you!) The dinner went well and I was cracking up and only slightly panicked for a moment or two when those bottomless pit teenage boys zipped through pizza box after pizza box. Zero leftovers of pizza or salad (hah!) After the dinner, the team got to watch the season highlight video and got their end of season gift. It was a good evening and I was only a little emotional about the closing of Grey's time in jr high football. (which means only 4 more football seasons; gulp, gulp, gulp).
Jumping in leaves! tis the season and we had plenty - so the four youngest kids and I spent Friday afternoon and Saturday morning raking, jumping, and burying each other in the leaves. The dogs love the leaf piles too.
Cheering on my students at the football playoff game on Friday night. First Friday night since August that B didn't coach, and yet we were still at a football field (LOL). It was freeeeezing, but I was glad to be there cheering my kids on and giving our cousin Gracie a hug.
Sending Grey off with the Valentines to Cleveland. He got an opportunity to join the Valentine boys at the Browns game. What a lucky kid (thank you Valentine family!) They headed out on Saturday night to stay in a hotel before the game on Sunday.
Teaching Día de los muertos in Spanish 1. We talked about the celebration and then watched The Book of Life. Spanish 2 finished El Silbon de Venezuela (chapters 10-13) and then took their final quiz and writing assignment. Spanish 3 & 4 watched La Llorona the movie since they finished the book last week. We had a fiesta on Friday to celebrate Day of the Dead! We had a pep rally on Friday to wish our football team good luck in the playoffs and to send one of our cross-country runners off to States! (good luck Dom!)
Sporting with 2 wrestling practices for Rusty (his first time and he is loving it!), Violet had a basketball practice and a game, and Gemma had a basketball practice and a lift/conditioning. Grey had a baseball practice, then turned in his jr. high football equipment, and got in some lifts this week. Brandon had his Varsity football equipment turn in this week too.
Making sticky chicken over rice with roasted veggies, spaghetti and garlic monkey bread, and baked ravioli. Abbba made us a pork roast one evening (thank you!) and Kitty had pizza, mac&cheese, and snackies for us on trick-or-treat night (thank you!) I made chocolate m&m cookies for Halloween, and salad with the fixins' for the Jr High end of season pizza party. I used up some trick-or-treat candy for the topping on a Tandy Cake that I made for the kiddos for dessert.
Around Here Week 43: 10/22-28
Sunday, November 19, 2023
A glimpse into what it is like to be in our family just this moment.
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photo cred: Iris & Rose Photography |
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photo cred: Iris & Rose Photography |
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our newest baby cousin Ryder! |
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first flag game vs. last junior high game (Center & QB) |
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photo cred: Barb Adams (thank you!) |
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photo cred: B at CTES parade |
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photo cred: Stacey B |
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photo cred: Deanna M |
Intentional Outdoor hours: 667+ hours (of 1000)
Such a gorgeous fall week, the leaves were really showing off and our night of Trick-or-Treating was maybe one of the most pleasant we've ever had. It was so comfortable outside that no one needed extra layers.
Reading What Alice Forgot by Lianne Moriarty and really enjoying it. It's kind of freaking me out thinking about how it would feel to have lost ten years of memories. My gosh, if Tabitha of 30 woke up in THIS life with ALL these kids and animals and working at high school and involved in all the kids' activities and having to do all this laundry and feed all these bottomless stomachs everyday. LOL forever. You have to work your way up into this madness. I do really appreciate that Alice (who forgot) was just like, "yeah, no I'm not doing that" when Alice (that lived that life) felt locked in and there was no other way to do things. I'm feeling inspired to imagine 30 year old Tabitha popping into this life - would she be proud? overwhelmed? excited about her future? disappointed in any some aspects? What would naive 30 year old Tab think was important to keep doing? What would she be sad to have seen lost in 10 years? Thanks Karpy for suggesting the book!!
Clearing off the dining room table which is actually a full blown miracle. This fall sports season has completely wrecked the entire house and I honestly have not seen the dining room table since the beginning of August. It has just been the dumping zone for EVERYTHING. I blasted music on Sunday afternoon and just got to work ripping, tearing, clearing, and scrubbing. What a big job it was, but so worth it. Now we have double space for meals and homework - hah! thank goodness.
Getting our family photos taken by Iris & Rose photography (Bailie) at Hinckston Run Farm. It was my birthday gift from my sisters (thank you!) and even though Olive was a grumpy cat - they turned out beautiful and I am always grateful to have a snapshot in time of our family just as we are right now. I can't get over the fact that I am shorter than two of our kids. How did time happen? I remember them being five years old and now poof! they're literally bigger than me.
Dress up weeks at school for Red Ribbon. Grey & Gem had Adam Sandler, USA, Hawaiian, Anything but a backpack, and costumes on Friday (Grey and his Savannah Banana buddies won first place at the costume contest during lunch!) Rust & Vi had Red, sweatpants, PJs, team jersey, and orange&black day. On Friday, they also had their annual parade and fall fest party. B was able to get down there to see them in the parade.
Snuggling our newest baby cousin, baby Ryder! Butter and Becky brought that sweet darling to Grey's football game and we all nudged each other around trying to get a chance to hold him. Is there anything sweeter than snuggling a new baby. You are so loved baby Ryder!
Hosting a Studerbabies Farm & Free Play event on the most perfect fall evening on Wednesday. We had a small group but it was great to chat with parents while the kids all played sweetly together. Every time we host an event, I get a little more insight into exactly the idea/words that I need to use to help explain what I'm trying to do with it (hah).
Trick-or-treating with our CT friends on Thursday night. What a gorgeous fall night at nearly was perfection. Grey and his buddies were all Savannah Banana baseball players, and Gemma dressed up with her friend Cooper as Taylor Swift (Red era) and Travis Kelce. Violet was Tinkerbell, Rusty was Captain Hook, Reddy was the crocodile, Olive was Mr. Smee, B was Peter Pan, and I was Wendy. Osa came with us (as Nana dog from Peter Pan) and did so good walking and letting a bajillion people pet her all night (hah!) Uch and Kev and the boys joined us for awhile (the boys were stinky, cutey skunks!) and then after all the candy getting - we headed back to the Huffman house for food and hanging out; a trick or treat night tradition! (thanks for always hosting Pam!)
Giving Miss Emma a big hug as she is off to vacation to Disney! We will miss her so much this upcoming week, but we have Aunt Kitty and Abba squeezing in to cover the days with the babies for us (thank you!) Enjoy the week, Miss Emma! We love you so!
Tailgating at the end of season youth football picnic on Saturday. The rain held off until the very last minute (yay!) and we spent the afternoon playing kid vs. grown up two-hand touch football, dancing to music, and hanging out with friends to close out the youth league football/cheer season.
Teaching the Spanish Alphabet in Spanish 1, and reading Chapters 5-10 of El Silbón in Spanish 2. Spanish 3 and 4 read chapters 11-14 of La Llorona which finished the book, so we got started on the movie La Llorona to celebrate (eek! spooky!) It was also Red Ribbon week - so theme dress up everyday, plus grades for Q1 are due next week (!! already!?), and IEP forms that need my input, and finally decorating for upcoming Day of the Dead!
Sporting with cross-over season just beginning (football/cheer to winter sports). Violet had 1 basketball practice and a basketball game. Gemma had a basketball game, and Grey had 1 baseball practice, a football practice, and his last Jr. High football game on Tuesday- they finished the season undefeated! I felt like I was carrying around a momma's broken heart all day Tuesday with the last ever Jr High game to go. I know it is the most cliche thing, but honestly I remember him starting flag football in first grade and then a blink and he had his last jr. high game. Which means only 4 more football seasons left and that baby boy is an actual grown up. 4 more football seasons, how did that happen? oh mommas, I love you - hang in there. In other sports news, Brandon had four football practices and the LAST Varsity game on Friday night vs. United Valley. His very first season as Varsity Head coach under his belt. I am so proud of him and the boys and all the lessons and good that came out of the season - even if the record alone shows a different story when it stands alone. Football is more than football; sports are more than sports and that is something we believe to the deepest of our hearts. He also attended the SAFCA football meeting and had the last team dinner & film of the year. Off season starts now (LOL) so we are sitting down together and reflecting and dreaming big for next season.
Making stromboli, hamburger casserole, copycat Olive Garden chicken over noodles, leftover fridge clean out, roasted veggies and kielbasa, and bedtime snacks like peanut butter & jelly sammies. Grey and I went out with some football families to Jim&Jimmies after the last jr high game (he got wings and I had a chicken salad and hot pepper cheese balls!). For trick-or-treat potluck at the Hoffmans I made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and pulled pork and for the tailgate party I made meatball sub sammies and cake mix chocolate chip cookies.