Fish Baby

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our little baby is a swimming machine!  We knew that Grey would probably like swimming since he has been so keen on taking baths ever since he was born...but we didn't think he would love it this much!  Greyson has been to the Forte's pool a few times in the past few weeks and right away he started kicking his legs and moving his head side to he knows what he's doing!!  hahha, we were all cracking up watching him swim around like a tiny Michael Phelps or something!

Just this last weekend while in Johnstown, Grey had another chance to show off his swimming skills at Gma & Pappy Butch's pool.  He was kicking & laughing just like always...having the time of his life.  He even got his little face too close to the water a few times, but didn't cry at all...he just gives a couple coughs and then gets right back to swimming.

I'm anxious to see if he is this crazy about the water and the ocean when we're in the DR this October!  Don't worry, I bought him teeny tiny water shoes for the beach...HAH!  Can't even wait for our little fish baby to try out his ocean fins:)

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