We have been making great strides in our volunteer month-by-month. In January, we donated $75 worth of goods to the Humane Society and they really appreciated it. I baked Valentines Day cookies for the local fire department in February and they were both surprised and grateful when I stopped by to drop them off. (thank you Grandma's yummy icing!!)
This month, we are working on a March Madness poll tournament to proceed the PA Special Olympics. I can't wait to see how much response we get from our friends and family. It was a pretty quick turnaround as to when they need to reply with their polls, but hopefully we will have a good turnout.
We have also had the oppportunity to travel and spend quality time with the people we love. I got to visit with my old students in NYC in early February. It was great to catch up with Elena and Stirling too-both of who I hadn't seen since October. In late February, my sisters and I had our 2nd annual SCF weekend in State College and had so much fun just being together.

B and I just got back from a long weekend in Flagler, FL with our friends, Jon & Lindsay and had such a blast. What a difference a few days in the sun with friends made for replenishing our souls. It felt like waking up again after such a long, snowy winter.
Our waltz dance class has ended, but B (not as reluctantly as last time) has agreed to take another one with me. We start our Cha-Cha class this Tuesday! I have been having a lot of delicious success creating (mostly) homemade soups on Wednesday nights. B's favorite has been chicken & brocolli chowder and my favorite has been seafood bisque. I started volunteering at the library too-in the internet lounge and gift shop. It feels good to do something for free again:)
So far...we have been kicking our new year; new us resolution's a$$!