A glimpse into what it is like to be in our family just this moment.
photo cred: St Davids |
photo cred: Abba |
photo cred: Colbie |
photo cred: Stacy B |
Intentional Outdoor Hours: 608+ hours (of 1000)
Downright gorgeous for Trick-or-treat night, and then we took a flying leap out of late summer and into the chilliness of fall. Yikes. The game Friday night was so cold and we were just not dressed properly in the least. We tried to stay warm by moving and huddling together, but boy was I grateful to go home and chug a hot tea! You can tell the weather is getting colder because my boys jump on the trampoline with shirts on - hahahhha.
Reading Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls but so little because the tank is on E and we are passing out at bedtime.
Listening to Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus and really enjoying it despite the insane plot twist that I did not see coming at all. I was chatting with a friend at school about the book (I knew she had read it) and she was like, "what's happening in the story where you are at?" and I told her and she was nodding and mentioned a plot twist in the future. I was like, okay whatever. Literally on the drive home that afternoon only five minutes into my drive, the plot twist dropped and I was screaming. hahhaha, I messaged her later and was like, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" How she kept a straight face even when she could tell I was five minutes away from it happening in the book is actually astonishing - bravo Jen. hah!
Getting a clean car - thank you B. He took Jillian to the car wash, then cleaned out, vacuumed out, and wiped down all the interior. It was looking pretty rough in there (bugle crunchy crumb fest in the third row - Lawd, help us all) but B got her shined up and she's looking beautiful.
Haircuts on Sunday afternoon for all the girls which was Olive's first ever haircut! She looks so cute with her bob, we are all loving it. Gem and Vi just got a trim and in my normal behavior anytime I get into a salon chair, I just told Jo to go ahead and chop it all off. LOL. Liv and I are twinsies now. (thank you Jo, you are amazing - we appreciate you!)
Happy that Olive will sit happy for hair brushing as long as she can look at her baby book. When I mention a bath, she says, "you can wash my hair and brush it because I can look at my baby book, right?" She loves pointing out baby Olive and seeing everyone hold her and dote on her...which is wild because that is still literally what happens every single day so I don't get it, but whatever works!
Smiling about Rusty making his 'football play sheet' which is just a piece of paper covered in x's and o's that have names. He was excited that he had made 20 different football plays all with their own unique names. Oh man, eight year old boys are kind of the epitome of my favorite page of the Love You Forever, Like You for Always book. Just so wild and hilarious and all boy but still hugs.
Having a lot of discussions and weighing all the pros, cons, and all the things because life rarely goes where you plan for it to go. thankful for all the listening ears and encouraging words and supportive friends and family who always lean in with graciousness and understanding with us.
Fall celebration days at schools! Liv and Reddy had their fall parties (we donated cupcakes) with a parade that Abba, Chum, and Aunt Kitty attended (thank you!) They were so proud to talk about it at home with us and I was thankful to get pics from family and preschool. Rusty and Violet had their fall parties too (we donated googly eyes and plates!) So grateful for all the PTA moms and dads who plan and organize and volunteer - we help any small way we can, but you guys are out there doing the heavy lifting and planning! At my elementary school we had a fall fest party on Friday which also was Day of the Dead. Two of my students dressed up in día de muertos costumes and one as a monarch - they were so proud to show me their costumes!
Trick-or-treat night! Grey opted to go hunting with Pappy and Reid instead but the rest of us met up with friends and family for our annual trick or treat pilgrimage (hah). Abba came as a witch. Uch, Kev, and the nephewlitos were there, and all our neighborhood friends. Violet's bestie Evaley joined us since she and Vi were a pair and Gemma's bestie Colbi joined us since their were a duo. Cooper was so sweet to match Rusty's Wolverine with a Deadpool costume. And Rusty's bestie AJ and his family joined us this year too. Thank goodness for the village who treks with us even though their kids are big, but they hang back and help carry candy bags and hold hands (Pam, Becky, and Jenn - grateful for you!) We brought Osa because she does such a good job on trick-or-treat night and everyone loves seeing her. We got plenty of candy, scored a major bag of kettle corn (thank you!!) Then we ended the night at the Huffman's house as is tradition. Great food, good conversation, kids running everywhere half costumed and hands full of sugar (LOL).
Doing NOTHING on Saturday because we are all stuffy-nosed and exhausted and run all the way down. Violet volunteered with the youth group to make apple dumplings and Grey went hunting with Pap in the morning - but the rest of us, rested our weary souls all day. We laid around, watched Robin Hood Prince of Thieves as a family (LOL, inappropriate but we all love to watch it once a year, hah!), got some much needed chores done (9 loads of laundry!) It was the laziest most glorious day!
Teaching and it's the week leading into Day of the Dead, so most classes were cruising on culture and holiday vibes all week. My elementary classes were finishing up their craft projects to help decorate my classroom (alebrijes, calaveras, cempasúchil, and mariposas!) I got a new set of Expo 8th graders this week so we started back at week 1 lessons (greetings & intro vocab). Spanish 1 started The Book of Life and Spanish 2 turned in their final copies of the spooky stories and started Coco.
Sporting with three swim practices for Rusty (I also purchased new swim goggles with bungee cord, a second pair of swim shorts, and a new cap!) Violet had a basketball game with her third and fourth grade team. Gemma attended the playoff volleyball and playoff girls' soccer games to take photos for Yearbook. Grey and B had four days of football practice and a playoff game on Friday night at long time rival Windber stadium. The end of the season, but so proud of the team and the coaches! What a season it has been!
Making crockpot pork roast & sauerkraut, spaghetti, sheet pan chicken fajitas, takeout pizza after the football game, and crockpot potato soup for lazy Saturday. Making lots of food for the teen boy who has been wolfing food this past week. On Monday night for dinner, he had 2 huge bowls of spaghetti, then 2 egg/sausage/cheese grilled sammies on Texas toast, and then finished off a breakfast bar for dessert.